Keeping Busy in Lockdown

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it many more times I’m sure. I have to get on here and ‘blog’ some of the projects I’ve been asked to be involved in. I am going to split some of these projects up into different posts. To be honest, I was in a creative funk when this pandemic started and found it difficult to even attempt to work on something new or even just dooodle for a bit. Enter Ryne Dlouhy who I’ve worked within the past for a lawn care logo. He was looking to give a special gift to a friend of his Marc Zappa. Ryne holds high respect for Marc and what he has generously given back to the people. From what I hear Marc is a legend in the taping and promoting music scene for many bands, most notably The Grateful Dead. He has shared many live performances in various formats throughout the years. Ryne asked that I incorporate many elements and create an overall piece that would bring smiles and spread love. Here is the result of that.

For this piece I photoshopped the desired scene with a sitting body, Marc’s face, arranged music recording/sharing items on one side, and mind altering substances on the other. I am told Marc is into recognizable numbers. Across the top there are 11 points that are cut in half, so 11:11 there. There is also 111 on the cassette tape. For this art piece the only logical paper and printing method was dye-sublimation and holographic foil poster paper (pictures below). It was an honor to be involved in a project that will end up on a legend’s wall. I hope Ryne and Marc are both happy with thier new art pieces, I know I enjoyed making it! Thank you!